Puppy Day School Teacher/Trainer
Morgan, a Northern California native, recently relocated to Houston, bringing with her a lifelong passion for animals. Growing up in California, she knew early on that her future would revolve around working with animals. Morgan’s journey began with active involvement in FFA and 4-H alongside her family, where she gained hands-on experience training a variety of animals, from sheep and chickens to horses and dogs. Her family also volunteered as puppy raisers for Guide Dogs for the Blind, raising five puppies over eight years, with three successfully becoming working guide dogs. This experience ignited Morgan’s love for training and inspired her to pursue it as a career.
Driven by the belief that dogs truly enrich our lives, Morgan is dedicated to helping owners create positive, lasting bonds with their pets. She currently shares her life with two beloved rescue dogs—a 6-year-old German Shepherd/Husky mix named Freya and a 2-year-old Rottweiler named Athena—both of whom she adopted when they were just 8 months old.