Puppy Class Part Two

Early puppy training is as easy as it is enjoyable. Much more demanding though, is to ensure that your puppy maintains bite inhibition, remains socialized and friendly to other dogs and people, and continues to pay heed to your instructions while working through adolescence. Puppy Class Part Two re-introduces everything you learned in Puppy Class Part One and takes it all to the next level. This is one of our most challenging classes because adolescent (juvenile delinquent) dogs are rowdy! But, the payoff will be huge as your dog transitions into adulthood. This class will help you teach your adolescent pup to be calm, attentive and to respond quickly, willingly and happily, especially when distracted. 

Prerequisite:  Puppies must have graduated from the BIDT Puppy Class Part One. Puppy Class Part Two must be taken within four months of completing Puppy Class Part One. 


  • We highly recommend that dogs over 7 months old be spayed or neutered because there is group play in this class. Teenagers in heat will be asked to refrain from play, but may attend class as long as the heat is not too distracting for other teens in class. Teenagers who would do best with human play might be asked to partake in individual play as well. We will always provide an area for teens who would do better with individual play and will coach their human’s through activities that might work for them.

  • Up to date vaccines are required.

  • For dogs of any size, breed or mix.

  • Classes are limited to 8 puppies to ensure personalized attention.

  • The course fee is $285 for 6 consecutive, one hour classes (unless otherwise noted due to a holiday).


  • Missing Class: If you end up missing a class or two, simply keep up with the homework and reading and you should not need to make up the class. While we do not offer makeup classes, we do offer a 30-minute make up lesson for $55 to go over what you missed. Simply contact our office if you would like to set up a make-up lesson.

  • Cancellation Policy: Payment is in advance in full, and holds Owner’s place for the class. Fees are non-refundable and non-transferable except as provided in this paragraph. Cancellations must be made at least 72 hours in advance of the first class to receive a full refund. Only in cases of verifiable and documented emergencies does BIDT refund fees with less than 72 hours notice.